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Chew\'s Poker Blog

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The House I Live In
  Chewits, Apr 20 2013

Has anyone here watched this? I am downloading it at the moment. I am looking forward to watching this. I guess I am interested as I have finally finished watching the 5th season of the Wire, and I noticed David Simons speaks in this movie. So I am curious. Does anyone know how "credible" this is or is it one of them stupid conspiracy type ones?

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We are really small
  Chewits, Feb 10 2012

This blows my mind.


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Xbox360 RROD
  Chewits, Feb 08 2012

Got the 3 red flashing lights. Gay as fuck. After some googling, its most likely a heating issue. Thing is, I rarely play the xbox for long periods of time, and mainly just play DVDs on it and link to my PC with media center to watch d/led movies lol.

Loaded up Tomb Raider game as I was bored, and after starting a new game, xbox just crashed, froze (black screen). Restarted and for the RROD. Did all the usual unplug let it cool etc and after a few restarts it worked, untill i started a game again.

Googled how to get the "hidden error codes", but for whatever reason mine doesnt seem to show them. Its meant to show 4 digit number, but mine varies from 10-20 digits of all 4 lights flashing. So really dunno.

Anyone had the problem before? Anyone self fix it? My xbox is out of warranty I believe, its about 4 year old. Anyone experience taking one apart, if so, was it difficult easy etc?

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